Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 61 6.2 NORTHERN ROCK STACK The NRS will provide for the expansion of an area that currently provides rock storage to the immediate north of the existing TSFs. The area of expansion encompasses an area of young (> 20 years) planted vegetation to the north of the TSFs. The NRS avoids higher value SNA 166 vegetation further east and has also deliberately avoided occupying a valley immediately south of the northern fragment, where ‘At-Risk’ moko skink habitat may be affected alongside a block of pine dominated vegetation (Figure 18). 6.2.1 Direct effects The proposed NRS would require removal of approximately 8.1 ha of low value planted native vegetation and approximately 1 ha of negligible value pine-dominated vegetation (Figure 12). The total area of the NRS development is approximately 28 ha meaning vegetation to be removed occupies approximately one third of the total NRS footprint. The 8-9 ha of planted vegetation represents around 10% of the local habitat present (the two SNA 166 fragments and various small riparian and pine forest patches). We consider this to be a low magnitude effect (given not only the size but the age and diversity of the plantings) – a noticeable shift from the pre-development base but one that will not have a more than minor effect on faunal populations. This magnitude of effect is best described as low. A low magnitude on a low value ecological resource results in a very low level of adverse effect. The most prominent effect is the reduction in partial connectivity between the northern and southern fragments of SNA 166. This area, while not continuous, does provide some level of connection between the two SNA 166 fragments. There is no evidence to support the need for this vegetation connection for species movement between the fragments, and given the bird species present, we suggest maintaining such a connection is not a requirement and its loss will not affect the movements of any local bird populations. Common native fauna that may be within the vegetation at the time of removal would be affected by injury or mortality. Affected fauna may include the eggs and unfledged chicks of common native birds, which have a lower likelihood of escape during vegetation removal and would likely be destroyed if unmanaged. While not recorded, native copper skinks may be present. Therefore, as with other areas, mitigation / management techniques will be recommended to minimise this potential effect. As with Gladstone Open Pit, threatened fauna, including bats and native frogs have not been detected within the proposed footprint and are not considered to be present, even on an intermittent basis. However, despite some 199 valid survey nights at the Northern Rock Stack and adjacent SNA 166 (northern fragment) over 2011, 2017 and 2022 (and a further 626 survey nights across the surrounding Waihi North Project area over the same period of time), the vegetation and habitats (potentially pine area) are within 10 km of long-tailed bat records and therefore the future presence of bats cannot be discounted, given that because bat flight paths may change over time. Because long-tailed bats are a threatened species, the removal of vegetation that supports an active roost would be a significant (high to very high level) adverse effect, depending on whether the vegetation supports single or multiple individuals. The very low likelihood of this occurrence would be reduced to minor by way of undertaking preclearance surveys for bats from October 1 to April 31, as per DOC guidelines, and employing tree-felling protocols for bats where ‘high risk’ trees are identified by a suitably qualified bat expert. Where loss of a bat roost is confirmed, a bat management plan, prepared by a suitably qualified bat expert, would additionally detail measures to compensate for any loss with provision and placement of artificial roost boxes, as per DOC artificial bat roost advisory note (DOC-6734955).