Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 57 6 ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS At each of the three proposed works areas, a range of surface feature clearance and earthworks are required which will remove all surface vegetation / habitat in the ZOI and may include other indirect potential effects related to disturbance, including dust, noise and edge creation. This assessment considers removal of all vegetation/habitat within the ZOI as well as indirect potential effects. A total of 25.7 ha of low to moderate value vegetation and habitats would be removed to provide for Gladstone Open Pit (6.5 ha vegetation and habitats), Northern Rock Stack (9.1 ha vegetation and habitats) and Tailings Storage Facility 3 (10.1 ha vegetation and habitats). Of this, 10.2 ha is naturally occurring mixed native and exotic vegetation, 9.4 ha is indigenous plantings and 6.1 ha is exotic plantation (pine). A total of 8.3 ha of this vegetation and habitat (which includes 0.1 ha of open ground) is formally protected where it occurs within SNA 166 at TSF3. The remainder are mostly plantings and have no formal protection.