Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 56 Southern Planted Fragment A small (0.3 ha) elongated (100 m) strip of planted vegetation is fenced and lies south of the SNA 166 southern fragment, at the foot of TSF1A. It will be within the TSF3 footprint. This fragment is planted (Figure 29) with karo, kohuhu, tōtara, karamu, kānuka, and a border of flax around the edges. The plants are very healthy and weed prevalence is low. However, the fragment is very small and isolated, and the planted species are a very small sample of those found within a naturally occurring, regenerating ecosystem. For these reasons we have not formally assessed the value and significance but are confident that the feature has no more than a low value (currently) and is not “significant” in terms of section 6(c) of the RMA. Figure 29. Southern Planted Fragment within TSF3 footprint.