Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 53 Table 10. Summary ecological value of vegetation and habitat components of SNA 166 (Southern Fragment). Assessment matters Tree fern scrub Kauri treeland Pine forest Rewarewa scrub Representativeness Low Low Very Low Moderate Rarity / Distinctiveness Moderate Moderate Very Low Low Diversity & Pattern Low Low Very Low Low Ecological Context Low Low Low Low Overall value Low Moderate Negligible Low The SNA 166 southern fragment as a whole. Overall, the whole southern fragment is considered to be of moderate value at present, but such a classification is a conservative evaluation and it may not continue to be so in the future. Despite the predominantly low value components of the southern fragment, the sum of the parts represents a mosaic of different vegetation and habitat types that are of greater value combined, compared to when they are considered individually. When the different vegetation types within SNA 166 are considered together as one unit, representativeness would remain low, but the rarity and distinctiveness criteria would be met and conservatively considered to have moderate values due to the kauri treeland and presence of ‘At Risk’ moko skink, both on the fragments northern side. Diversity and pattern would remain low. Ecological context would be considered to meet moderate criteria due to the total size (approximately 57 ha) of the southern fragment. The southern fragment may provide moderate connectivity within the natural areas in the surrounding landscape (SNA 166 northern fragment, Union Hill, Ngatoki Domain), due to the perceived and potential connectivity function. However, despite the current moderate ranking, the fragment is currently unmanaged and supports a refuge for wilding pines. It is considered likely that the SNA 166 southern fragment could become pine dominated throughout, as well as a source of wilding pines in the landscape, if it remains as is. As a result, assessment of the fragment as a whole can be difficult, hence the conservative moderate value assigned. 5.3.2 Other non-SNA vegetation Three fragments of vegetation occur to the south of (beyond) the SNA 166 southern fragment (east of the existing TSF). These are described as the ‘western block’, the ‘eastern block’ and the ‘southern block’ (Figure 22) and are described below. Western Fragment The western block (Figure 25) is approximately 1.2 ha in size, and lies around 50 m west of SNA 166 (southern fragment). It is unfenced and parts (where not too steep) are grazed by stock.