Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 50 and nor is there any evidence of other podocarp species). Given its young age it has little resource or other functional role other than to support the common native insectivorous avian fauna (fantail, grey warbler, silvereye and to a much lesser degree, tui). Its primary value lies in the fact that it is central to the wider SNA 166 southern fragment and provides connectivity between the two rewarewa dominated scrublands, and generally the western and eastern ends of the SNA 166 southern fragment. In that regard it has some minor faunal connection function. Overall, the ecological context of the treefern scrub is considered to be of a low value. Conclusion The area is large and of solid shape and has a potential to be of greater value than it has currently, were it to continue to develop and gain new appropriate indigenous species, especially final canopy and final seral stage species. However, in the absence of management, it is unlikely to do so and therefore the various components of ecological value have been assessed as low. In conclusion the ecological value of the treefern scrub component of the SNA 166 southern fragment is considered low, with a majority low ranking and one moderate (with moko skink having a rarity / distinctiveness ranking of moderate). Kauri – dominant treeland – approximately 1 ha (0.02 % of the SNA). This feature within SNA 166 is beyond the zone of influence and occurs entirely on private property. Representativeness This treeland has no ground tier (being grazed under), little middle tier, no lower canopy and limited epiphytic components. It is largely a small grove of kauri with some rewarewa on a northern hill slope and has around 10% of the expected species of a typical kauri forest. Its representativeness value is low. Rarity and distinctiveness. A kauri (Very High value species) dominated canopy in this landscape is a distinctive feature, although the species remains relatively common in the surrounding landscape, including naturally occurring specimens and in plantings. We rank this criterion as High (for rarity and distinctiveness). Diversity and pattern In the absence of the supporting lower tiers and in general other indigenous species the kauri stand is of low value in terms of this criterion. Ecological context. This 1 ha, small adjunct to the larger SNA 166 southern fragment, is grazed underneath and this is likely to reduce its ability to influence succession within the SNA, as the stock fence line disconnects its dripline from the wider SNA. No kauri seedlings or saplings were recorded around kauri trees, or in adjacent, fenced areas of the SNATherefore, this small (40-50 trees) edge apparently has limited connectivity or wider networking function. With appropriate management, it has potential to be an important locally representative example of the historic condition. Its contextual value is currently low. Conclusion With one high ranking and the rest low or lower, the ecological value of the kauri-dominant treeland unit within the southern fragment of SNA 166 is considered to be moderate and is not affected by the proposed development.