Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 46 Figure 26. Small waterfall within watercourse A, within SNA 166, TSF3 at WNP, Waihi 06/03/19. Figure 27. Example of stony instream potential Hochstetter’s frog habitat within watercourse A, Waihi, 06/03/19. Lizards Potential lizard habitats within the overlap of the TSF3 footprint into the southern fragment of SNA 166 are associated with non-grazed areas within SNA 166 and three small (> 1 ha) non-SNA fragments of vegetation (Figure 21. Vegetation types of SNA 166, including ecological features identified from flora and fauna surveys 2012 and 2017-2020.). Rough grass around the edges of SNA 166 provides some ground cover for skinks as well as dense leaf litter further under canopy where light levels are lower. The structural complexity of potential lizard habitats below the canopy in SNA