Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 45 Figure 25. Kauri tree emergent above rewarewa / towai scrub within the southern fragment of SNA 166. Fauna Frogs A small, cascading waterfall within Watercourse A (Figure 26) provided small pools and standing water that could provide suitable potential habitat (Figure 27) for native frogs, however no native frogs were identified from searches of potential first order watercourses within the southern fragment of SNA 166 (Figure 3). One possible reason for this, is that 40 years ago much of the surrounding vegetation was grazed pasture and little to no canopy cover was present. Due to the historic non-forested land use, it is considered highly unlikely native frogs will be present in the southern SNA fragment. There is no connection to habitat where they are known to be present and they would not have been able to persist in waterways in predominantly grazed paddocks, as was present 40 years ago. Native frogs do not contribute to values associated with SNA 166.