Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 36 No other lizards were recorded from the survey, including nocturnal VES. Overall, the lizard values at the proposed NRS are low. Figure 17. Moko skink near SNA 166. Figure 18. Moko skink habitat, within boulder deposits and low scrub under pine canopy- east of the NRS area. Bats The restoration plantings at the NRS do not provide sufficient cover for roosting bats. The bat surveys at adjacent, higher quality potential habitats to the west, alongside the northern fragment of SNA 166 and pine plantations, did not record any bats. Given their absence from these and other surveys throughout the surrounding area, bats are not considered likely to be present within the WNP area, even on an intermittent basis. 5.2.3 Ecological Value at the Northern Rock Stack Representativeness. The vegetation and habitats at the NRS are young (2004-2011), planted compositions, or are mature pine. While there are a few young, naturally occurring native plants, the planted material is still too young to be a repository for seral native species arrivals and the pine also too established and dense for more than a few common under-pine native representatives.