www.valenza-engineering.com 381_R_04_Rev 0 OGNZL_WUG_Phase1_Conceptual_Mitigation 33 1. Instrumentation and testing; 2. Probing and grouting of upper sections; 3. Pre-development dewatering (if required); 4. Progressive grouting and depressurisation; and 5. Dewatering (sump pumping). 6.2.3. WUG MINE DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION The WUG mine is proposed to be developed using a stoping approach, supported by a series of successive drives and associated helicoidal tunnels. Monitoring and Instrumentation, Probing, Predevelopment Grouting, Depressurisation and Dewatering will be potentially applied to these zones. A perspective view of the zones where post-development (i.e., operational) grouting might be required is presented in Figure 6-2. Figure 6-2: Example of zones where operational (secondary and tertiary treatment) might be required The following sequence of work is envisaged: 1. Installation of multi-level instrumentation, completion of hydraulic testing (packer testing and borehole hydraulic tests); 2. Pre-development grouting of upper sections of stopes (from UG); 3. Dewatering (sump pumping); 4. Secondary grouting and depressurisation (drainage) during stoping;