Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 20 Figure 6. Bat survey coverage for WNP, Waihi. Table 8. Summary of ABM survey effort for the WNP ABM number Location Date set Useable nights Bat passes 1 Union Hill 15/12/17 16 0 2 Gladstone Pit 15/12/17 16 0 3 SNA 166 (northern) 21/12/11 29 0 4 Northern Rock Stack 21/12/11 29 0 5 SNA 166 (Southern1) 21/12/11 27 0 6 SNA 166 (Southern2) 21/12/11 27 0 7 TSF3 1 21/12/11 27 0 8 TSF3 2 15/12/17 16 0 9 TSF3 3 15/12/17 16 0 10 Union Hill 27/01/2022 47 0 11 Gladstone Pit 1 27/01/2022 47 0 12 Gladstone Pit 2 27/01/2022 47 0 13 Gladstone Pit 3 27/01/2022 47 0 14 Northern Rock Stack 1 (SNA 166) 27/01/2022 47 0 15 Northern Rock Stack 2 (SNA 166) 27/01/2022 47 0 16 Northern Rock Stack 3 27/01/2022 47 0 17 TSF3 1 27/01/2022 47 0 18 TSF3 2 27/01/2022 47 0 19 TSF3 3 27/01/2022 47 0 Waihi North Project 626 0