Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 8 Table 3. Assigning value to areas (Roper-Lindsay et al. 2018) Value Determining Factors Very High Area rates ‘High’ for at least three of the assessment matters of Representativeness, Rarity/distinctiveness, Diversity and Pattern, and Ecological Context. Likely to be nationally important and recognised as such. High Area rates ‘High’ for two of the assessment matters, and ‘Moderate’ and ‘Low’ for the remainder OR area rates ‘High’ for one of the assessment matters and ‘Moderate’ for the remainder. Likely to be regionally significant and recognised as such. Moderate Area rates ‘High’ for one of the assessment matters, ‘Moderate’ or ‘Low’ for the remainder OR area rates as ‘Moderate’ for at least two of the assessment matters and ‘Low’ or ‘Very Low’ for the remainder. Likely to be important at the level of the Ecological District. Low Area rates ‘Low’ or ‘Very Low’ for majority of assessment matters, and ‘Moderate’ for one. Limited ecological value other than as local habitat for tolerant native species. Negligible Area rates ‘Very Low’ for three assessment matters and ‘Moderate’, ‘Low’ or ‘Very Low’ for the remainder. Table 4. Criteria for describing magnitude of effect (Roper-Lindsay et al. 2018) Magnitude Description Very High Total loss of, or a very major alteration to, key elements/features of the existing baseline conditions, such that the post-development character, composition and/or attributes will be fundamentally changed and may be lost from the site altogether; AND/OR Loss of a very high proportion of the known population or range of the element/feature. High Major loss or major alteration to key elements/features of the existing baseline conditions such that the post-development character, composition and/or attributes will be fundamentally changed; AND/OR Loss of a high proportion of the known population or range of the element/feature. Moderate Loss or alteration to one or more key elements/features of the existing baseline conditions, such that the post-development character, composition and/or attributes will be partially changed; AND/OR Loss of a moderate proportion of the known population or range of the element/feature. Low Minor shift away from existing baseline conditions. Change arising from the loss/alteration will be discernible, but underlying character, composition and/or attributes of the existing baseline condition will be similar to pre-development circumstances and patterns; AND/OR Having minor effect on the known population or range of the element/feature. Negligible Very slight change from the existing baseline condition. Change barely distinguishable, approximating to the ‘no change’ situation; AND/OR Having negligible effect on the known population or range of the element/feature.