Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 7 Table 2: Attributes to be considered when assigning ecological value or importance to a site or area of vegetation / habitat / community (as per Table 4 of Roper-Lindsay et al. 2018). Matters Attributes to be considered Representativeness Criteria for representative vegetation and habitats: • Typical structure and composition • Indigenous species dominate • Expected species and tiers are present • Thresholds may need to be lowered where all examples of a type are strongly modified. Rarity/distinctiveness Criteria for rare/distinctive vegetation and habitats: • Naturally uncommon or induced scarcity • Amount of habitat or vegetation remaining • Distinctive ecological features • National Priority for Protection Criteria for rare/distinctive species of species assemblages: • Habitat supporting nationally threatened or At-Risk species, or locally uncommon species • Regional or national distribution limits of species or communities • Unusual species or assemblages • Endemism Diversity and Pattern • Level of natural diversity, abundance and distribution • Biodiversity reflecting underlying diversity • Biogeographical considerations - pattern, complexity • Temporal considerations, considerations of lifecycles, daily or seasonal cycles of habitat availability and utilisation Ecological context • Site history and local environment conditions which have influenced the development of habitats and communities • The essential characteristics that determine an ecosystems integrity, form, functioning and resilience (from 'intrinsic value' as defined in RMA) • Size, shape and buffering • Condition and sensitivity to change • Contribution of the site to ecological networks, linkages, pathways and the protection and exchange of genetic material • Species role in ecosystem functioning - high level, key species identification, habitat as proxy