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Document Reference : c:\OGNZL\Waihi North Project\Reports 2021\Consultation Document Report Revision : 4 Report Status : Draft Prepared by : Dr Gary Bramley Reviewed by : Approved by : Dr Gary Bramley Date Created : 25 October 2021 Date Issued : Draft 1: 31 October 2021 Draft 3: 14 December 2021 Draft 2: 14 November 2021 Draft 4: 20 November 2021 AUTHOR: Dr Gary Bramley – Ecologist Dr Gary Bramley has a BSc (Zoology) and MSc (First Class Honours in Ecology) from Massey University and a PhD (Ecology) from the University of Waikato. He has worked as an ecological consultant since 2000. Prior to that he lectured at the University of Waikato and Waikato Polytechnic. He is a member of the Ecological Society of New Zealand, the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand Incorporated, Birds New Zealand and the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. He is also a qualified Independent Hearing Commissioner under the Resource Management Act (1991). Gary has a generalist ecological background with extensive experience in vegetation, birds, pest mammals, invertebrates, lizards and bats throughout New Zealand, from Ngataki in the north to Te Anau in the south. His work has included assessments of effects and development, implementation and monitoring of consent conditions, preparation of restoration plans, management plans (including iwi and hapū management plans) and peer review. He has published ten peer reviewed papers and more than 250 unpublished reports for clients. Previous clients have included central government (including the Environmental Protection Agency and Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment), iwi and hapū groups, local government, energy generators, mining and quarrying companies, infrastructure developers, landowners, land developers, marine farmers, forestry companies, farmers and nongovernment conservation organizations. Gary has been at the forefront of some of the nationally significant projects with respect to terrestrial ecology and has long standing experience carrying out projects involving ecological restoration, site remediation, biodiversity offsetting and ecological mitigation throughout New Zealand. DISCLAIMER: The Ecology Company Limited (The Ecology Company) has prepared this report for the exclusive use of Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited in accordance with the usual care and thoroughness of the consulting profession and in accordance with the standards of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand. The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of The Ecology Company. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of The Ecology Company constitutes an infringement of copyright. This report was prepared in accordance with the scope of work and for the purpose agreed between the parties. This report was prepared between 25 October 2021 and 20 December 2021 and is based on the information obtained and conditions encountered at that time. The Ecology Company disclaims responsibility for any changes that may have occurred after this time. This report should be read in full. No responsibility is accepted for use of any part of this report in any other context or for any other purpose or by third parties. This report does not purport to give legal or specific planning advice.