Supporting Technical Assessments

Figure 1: The mitigation hierarchy as it applies to effects management (note minimization can be equated to mitigation and restoration is equivalent to remediation). 1.2 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A vision for the Biodiversity Project, and an appropriate name, would be developed with consulted parties. The goals and objectives of the Biodiversity Project are similarly yet to be confirmed. Possible goals could include: • In the short term, consolidate the security of the species and habitats in the southern Coromandel and build a platform for their recovery. • To safe-guard and improve the biodiversity values of the lower Coromandel. This goal would encompass protection and enhancement of habitats, improving ecological integrity, strengthening ecological resilience and improving ecological function. This goal also provides for protection of threatened and at risk species including range expansion and increasing abundance. • To prevent establishment or expansion of known biosecurity threats (for example kauri dieback). • To provide opportunities for tangata whenua to exercise their kaitiakitanga and for others to participate in conservation activities. Possible objectives include: 1) Reduce animal and plant pests to low levels and maintain those levels so that indigenous biodiversity can be maintained and enhanced. 2) Conserve and restore a representative range of the species and ecosystems formerly in the lower Coromandel area. This could include reintroductions of species formerly found in the area which are not present today.