Supporting Technical Assessments

SECTION 8 Tailing Storage Facility 3 C:\D Data\GWS C Drive\GWS\Client Files\1344 OGL - WKP\4 Deliverables\WUG Effects Summary\June 2022\WNP Groundwater Effects Summary_Final_Rev_0.docx 30 8.2 Characterisation The site consitions have been extensively characterises by investigations undertaken by GHD and EGL as part of the design process and as part of previous investigations. The characterisation includes surface water and groundwater investigations as shown on Figure 34. Figure 34 TSF3 Site Characterisation (From GHD 2022) 8.3 Hydrologic and Hydrogeologic Setting A conceptual groundwater model at the location of TSF3 is included in Figure 35 below. The proposed TSF3 is in the surface water catchment that reports to the Ruahorehore Stream and then the Ohinemuri River. Part of the surface water drainage system will be removed or buried in order to construct the TSF.