www.valenza-engineering.com 381_R_04_Rev 0 OGNZL_WUG_Phase1_Conceptual_Mitigation 27 Figure 5-7: Illustrated Grouting Zone from Surface Positions within the Mine Area Figure 5-8: Illustrated Grouting Zone from Underground Grouting Chambers The higher transmissivity of the EGV compared to the host formation suggests that dewatering along strike should also be inhibited within the conceptual mitigation strategy. The placement of grout curtains across the strike extension of the EGV would provide a barrier to flow. The methodology of grout placement and depressurisation will be refined once the quantification of groundwater volumes and pathways has been updated using investigation results (hydraulic testing, monitoring and sampling) and numerical modelling. The use of appropriate methods might include using a crown drive from where permanent grouting chambers might be developed which is likely to be more effective than grouting from surface locations.