Supporting Technical Assessments

SECTION 4 Willows Farm Infrastructure C:\D Data\GWS C Drive\GWS\Client Files\1344 OGL - WKP\4 Deliverables\WUG Effects Summary\June 2022\WNP Groundwater Effects Summary_Final_Rev_0.docx 16 Land Discharge Effects The temporary Willows rock stack discharge has been assessed and indicates up to 60 m3/day is likely to infiltrate the impoundment. The seepage rock drain is predicted to capture up to 50 m3/day of this with some 10 m3/d predicted to discharge to ground and ultimately reach the Matarua Stream. Calculation of the effect of this discharge on surface waters has been undertaken and indicates no measurable change in water quality would occur. At the completion of mining the rock stack would be removed and used to backfill the underground workings.