Supporting Technical Assessments 381_R_04_Rev 0 OGNZL_WUG_Phase1_Conceptual_Mitigation 26 Figure 5-5: Illustrated Tunnel Probing and Grouting Zones Figure 5-6: Details of Tunnel Probing and Grouting Zones 5.4.2. MINE AREA STRATEGY Within the mine area, the grouting strategy is applied to the area above the upper stopping levels with grout placed from surface drill pads or from underground positions within dedicated grouting cuddies and the access tunnel as shown in Figure 5-7. Figure 5-8 shows an illustrative grouted panel installed as a cap over the mine area concentrated in the EGV. Grout lines intersecting the EGV stringers would preferentially fill the veins themselves and would not extend into the relatively impermeable host formation.