Supporting Technical Assessments

SECTION 1 Introduction C:\D Data\GWS C Drive\GWS\Client Files\1344 OGL - WKP\4 Deliverables\WUG Effects Summary\June 2022\WNP Groundwater Effects Summary_Final_Rev_0.docx 3 GWS has been engaged to provide an overview of the project’s potential effects on groundwater and surface waters from all of the technical reports that have been completed at the time of lodgement. 1.3 Summary of Effects by Project Element The following table provides a summary of the potential effects associated with each project element. The remainder of this document provides a description of what is proposed, the level of characterisation undertaken and further details related to the effects expected. Table 1 WNP Summary of Effects by Element Project Element Potential Effect Comment Wharekirauponga Mine Reduction in surface water flow. Possible long term discharge. Further investigations are being undertakenUnder Investigation. Dual Access Tunnels No effects predicted. Effects mitigated though tunnel construction methodology. Willows Access Tunnel No effects predicted. Effects mitigated though tunnel construction methodology. Willows Rock Stack (WRS) Land discharge that could affect surface water quality. Effects are acceptable within the RWQC. Monitoing of groundwater/surface water will be undertaken. Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel No effects predicted. Minor settlement risk. Groundwater level monitoring will be undertaken where appropriate. Gladstone Open Pit Dewatering resulting in some minor stream losses. Losses are unmeasurable. Monitoring of groundwater/surface water will be undertaken. Gladstone TSF Land discharge that could affect surface water quality. Effects are acceptable within the RWQC. Monitoring of groundwater/surface water will be undertaken. Northern Rock Stack Diversion resulting in some stream losses. Land discharge that could affect surface water quality. Losses are unmeasurable. Monitoring of groundwater/surface water will be undertaken. TSF3 Construction Dewatering resulting in some stream losses. Monitoring of groundwater/surface water will be undertaken. Abstracted groundwater will be used to mitigate surface water effects. TSF3 Operational Land discharge that could affect surface water quality. Monitoring of groundwater/surface water will be undertaken. Effects are acceptable within the RWQC.