www.valenza-engineering.com 381_R_04_Rev 0 OGNZL_WUG_Phase1_Conceptual_Mitigation 24 Data suggests that the T Stream vein is not connected to the shallow groundwater system and that mining would not result in impacts on shallow groundwater and surface water systems as the intervening area is unsaturated or already dewatered. 5.3.8. FIELDWORK PROGRAM The data gap analysis completed from the recommendations of the updated CHM summarised in Section 5.3.4 translated into a fieldwork program. The completion of the fieldwork is a necessary precursor to the development of the NM. The focus of the field program is on the following areas: • Surface water hydrology. o Hydrological field studies of streambed morphology, seepage and conductance measurement. o Use of natural tracers in surface water sampling to characterise baseflow inputs. o Division of stream reaches into gaining and losing sections. o Shallow groundwater connection hydraulic conductivity, infiltration potential and recharge measurement. o Direct recharge within outcropping formations (EGV, rhyolite dome outcrop). • Shallow groundwater drilling, testing and monitoring installations. o Shallow angle drillholes from DS5 drill site with regular interval (non-targeted) packer testing. o Installation of VWPs. o Standpipe piezometer installation. o Continuous monitoring and measurement through telemetrics. • Deep aquifer hydraulic characterisation. o EGV aquifer and host formation storage and K-values. • Recharge and water balance. o Hydrological field program (as for surface water). o Rainfall-runoff and catchment water balance analysis. o Rainfall intensity and duration analysis.