Supporting Technical Assessments

WKP-01 • Standpipe Piezometers • Shallow water levels already being monitored by WKP-01S and WKP-01D. • PAD01S_SP_PZ (120m) to be installed in contact of Rhyolite Flow Dome and Rhyolite Volcanoclastics –assessment of a possible preferential flow pathway. • Deep piezometer - PAD01D_SP_PZ (200m) to be installed in the core of Rhyolite Flow Dome –assessment of possible deep vein continuity. • Possibility to complete hydraulic tests in both new standpipe piezometers (slug / bail tests). • 80-002 VWPs • Assessment of possible flow barrier –Identified in the conceptual model • Shallow – Contact between Rhyolite Flow Dome and Rhyolite Volcanoclastics – West of Hanging wall • Mid– Contact between Rhyolite Flow Dome and Rhyolite Volcanoclastics – East of Hanging wall • Deep–Contact between Eastern Rhyolite Intrusive Flow Dome and Rhyolite Volcanoclastics