Supporting Technical Assessments

Install Water Control Devices Explain, discuss and demonstrate correct procedures in compliance with manufacturer and site requirements Performance Criteria Read and consider your experience in the following activities Self Rate To what extent have you performed this task List supporting evidence E.g. Job descriptions, Resumes, Certificates, References, Performance appraisals Not at all To a little extent, I need guidance To some extent, I can do independently To a great extent, I can lead otherrs Element 1 – Install, Maintain and Remove Water Control Devices Display adequate knowledge of all types of packers being used: ▪ Tapered plugs ▪ Hand installed torque packer ▪ Inflatable packer (calculate inflation pressures) ▪ Standpipe installation and pressure testing (grouted and chemical) ▪ Breastplate installation ▪ Packer removal after grouting Demonstrate the ability to safely install all types of packers. Demonstrate correct method for safe removal of packer(s). Demonstrate the correct method of cleaning, maintaining and storage of packer (s) once removed. Trainee Name Trainer / Assessor Name Signature Signature Date Date