Supporting Technical Assessments

Install Water Control Devices Figure: Typical Standpipe Installation Assembly for Resin 2.4. Manual Installation – Tam116 Poly Resin Injection It is critical that before stand pipe installation, all holes are to be cleaned out with a blow pipe to remove all traces of water and fines, in order to ensure competent resin encapsulation. Using a two-man lift and correct manual handling techniques, push the stand pipe into the first hole, starting at the bottom of the face in either the right or left hand corners. Push the stand pipe to the end of the hole and then pull it back approximately 10mm to ensure there is a gap between the end of the stand pipe and the end of the hole. All stand pipes are to be secured with rated chain and D shackles from attached lug to the D-nut on the corresponding resin bolt. Seal around the stand pipe at collar with wadding or filla-foam, leaving a gap (no breather tube) at the 12 o’clock position of the hole to ensure the release of air during resin injection. Continue to install the rest of the stand pipes in the same manner, working from the bottom of the face up, following the working at heights procedure and utilising an Integrated Tool carrier with basket for installing any stand pipes over shoulder height. Install 3m 63mm packer into stand pipe as far as possible, tighten and secure packer to resin bolt with chain and shackles. Only after all stand pipes are installed and the supervisor checks the face is resin injection to proceed. 2.5. Resin Injection of Stand Pipes – Tam 116 Check the security of the 63mm packer in the stand pipe then connect the delivery Y piece to the packer valve. Commence PUR injection of the stand pipe following PRO-004 PUR Injection Procedure, with the Y piece operator maintaining communication with the pump operator and observing the collar of the stand pipe and face for leakage of product. Once the product is visible through the breather outlet, the pump should be slowed down to allow product to set around the annulus of the stand pipe. Once the pump is slowed or the product