Supporting Technical Assessments

Install Water Control Devices Figure:Grouted Standpipe Installation 3. If Standard Cement Grout is used it must cure (usually 24 hours). Then ball valves are fitted to the 100mm and 25mm pipes. Drill out the standpipe to approximately 200mm past the end of the pipe with the 64mm bit. The standpipe is then to be pressure tested to at least 100 bar pressure using the grout plant with either water or thin grout (say W/C 1.5). If it does not pass this test, it will have to be re-grouted and the testing process started again. 4. If the standpipe passes the pressure test, water cover drilling may commence through this standpipe. 2.3.3. Chemical Resin or Grout Standpipe Installation Chemical Resin standpipe installation is a much faster and less labour intensive method than grouted standpipes. It involves manual installation by hand utilising an I.T. Carrier with a work basket and PUR pump. Airleg or Jumbo drills are used to drill the holes, and standpipes are secured via a chain attached to the standpipe and anchored back to the nearest ground support. Pressure testing of the installed standpipes is also included in this section. Install standpipe: note breather tubes will be required in holes up from horizontal