Supporting Technical Assessments

Install Water Control Devices 1.3. Site Setup, Safety and PPE It is necessary to set up a secure area during the course of drilling and grouting, this is initially for two reasons; one – due to the risk of hitting high pressure water flows when drilling and two – due to the risks associated with high pressure grouting. Therefore site set-up procedures related to drilling and grouting must be adhered to i.e. signage and barricading. In addition, the site should also have a stock of specific types of water control devices on hand if low or high pressure/volume water is encountered during the shift. These may be able to be installed either manually or mechanically. 1.3.1 Site Setup Specific site set up requirements may vary from area to area and be based on the work being carried out. Information on site set up related to drilling and grouting are contained within the various Training Packages for the machine or task. They take into consideration factors like positioning equipment, which may be affected by an inflow of high pressure/volume water. Also where to lay water control devices so they are easily accessible if needed in the event of hitting water. 1.3.2 Safety and First Aid As part of drilling and grouting, installing water control devices is an inherently hazardous job. Therefore all safety precautions need to be followed and all possible hazards identified, to ensure safe operations. Also it is most important to know how close and in what direction your immediate escape ladderway is, should the area you are working in start to flood. Therefore as part of your planning and preparation at each job site, make a note of the nearest ladder-way (in case of flooding) and ERB in case of other emergencies. 1.3.3 PPE Using the correct PPE is extremely important and adequate PPE supplies are to be on hand at the site. 2. INSTALLING WATER CONTROL DEVICES The following section describes the various water control devices and their installation methods used. These devices in combination with High Pressure Cement Grouting, Urea Silicate Resin and Polyurethane Resin (PUR) injection are used to stem the flow of both low and high pressure water from known and unknown water bearing structures; preventing the uncontrolled flow of water into the underground mine. Didipio is considered a wet mine and water bearing structures both known and unknown, may be encountered at any time. These structures can be encountered when probe drilling, grout hole/water All PPE and First Aid equipment must be checked prior to operation. This is to ensure it is functional and that there are adequate supplies at the work site. All Drill Rigs should carry specific types of water control devices.