Supporting Technical Assessments

Grout Pumping and Injection Operations TR 003 NOW THAT YOU HAVE STUDIED THIS REFERENCE MATERIAL IT IS TIME TO COMPLETE THE CHECKLIST AND TO DISCUSS YOUR ASSESSMENT WITH THE WORKPLACE TRAINER/ASSESSOR 6. SELF ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Explain, discuss and demonstrate correct procedures in compliance with manufacturer and site requirements Performance Criteria Read and consider your experience in the following activities Self Rate To what extent have you performed this task List supporting evidence E.g. Job descriptions, Resumes, Certificates, References, Performance appraisals Not at all To a little extent, I need guidance To some extent, I can do independently To a great extent, I can lead otherrs Element 1 – Plan and prepare for the grouting or cementing process 1.1. Access, interpret and apply compliance documentation relevant to drilling industry grouting and cementing operations:  Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999  Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Regulation 2001  UNIGROUT E22H Operators Instructions for Unigrout High Pressure Grouting Platform  Australian standards 1.2. Obtain, confirm and apply work instructions for the allocated task.  Daily services shift plan  Hand over with offgoing shift  Instruction and batch cards 1.3. Identify, manage and report all potential hazards:  Slips and trips.  High pressure injection (Grout and hydraulic oil).  Grout burns (Eyes and skin).  Inhalation of cement powder.  Ground movement and rock falls due to injecting grout into the rock.  Packers dislodging and ejecting from holes during grout injection and possibly from ground water pressure.  Rotating parts within the grout plant.  Repetitive/acute strain injuries from continuous lifting of 20 kg cement bags.  Working at heights.  Machinery and personnel interaction.  Working in elevated temperature areas due to rock and ground water temperatures.  Uncontrollable water inundation due to water control devices failing.