Supporting Technical Assessments

Grout Pumping and Injection Operations TR 003 Please do not feel intimidated by this as you can use a calculator if you feel the need to do so. If you have problems with numeracy please feel free to discuss this with your Trainer or Supervisor later on in private if you wish. In conjunction with the Grouting Report form, it is a requirement to also complete FRM78580101 Cover Drilling and Grouting Shift Report (example below). The purpose of this is to detail any delays and/or down time that may be encountered throughout the shift i.e. breakdown of plant requiring fitter or electrician. 5.2.1 Record Keeping for Auditing The below example document is completed for auditing purposes to allow comparisons to be made on products ordered against product used. Grout personnel need to accurately record total grout volumes for each individual hole completed to ensure exact data for the Services Engineer.