Supporting Technical Assessments

Grout Pumping and Injection Operations TR 003 1.3. Site Setup, Safety and PPE Before high pressure injection grouting can commence, it is necessary to set up a secure area at a safe distance from the grouting face as an exclusion zone to prevent unauthorised personnel accessing the site during the course of grouting. The below sign must be hung on a chain barricade at a point close to the grouting plant so that a person approaching the site is able to visually or verbally contact the grouting crew. If the unauthorised person is given permission to proceed past the barricade, they must be made aware of hazards associated with high pressure grouting. The process for this is:- the Grout Pump Supervisor explains the hazards to the visitor and both the visitor and Supervisor sign FRM High Pressure Grouting Operations – Visitors Induction. 1.3.1 Site Setup A well set up work site will help to improve the safety and efficiency of grouting operations. There are a number of important factors to be taken into consideration when positioning equipment and consumables. The following points suggest a suitable site setup: ▪ Ensure the floor of the drive is flat with no windrows so that equipment, especially the grouting plant, can be positioned as close to the side wall as possible. This will allow I.T. access past the grout plant and also reduce trip and slip hazards. ▪ Vent bag should be no less than 20m from the working area and the grout plant positioned before the end of the vent bag; this will help to prevent cement powder being blown towards the injection area whilst being loaded into the grout plant. In hot areas a Thermal Work Limit (TWL) reading will be taken by the supervisor prior to any work commencing. ▪ The grout plant must be set up so that a clear line of site is maintained between the injection area and the grout plant and positive communication between the grout plant operator and injection operator can be maintained. ▪ Services should be located as close as possible to the work area to reduce the length of air and water hoses. ▪ Pallets of cement powder will be positioned on the same sidewall as the grout plant and as close to the grout plant as possible to reduce the manual handling load. ▪ A clearly defined area must be established within easy reach of the grout plant for the positioning of the first aid station and fire extinguishers. ▪ The electrical extension cable feeding the grout plant must be either secured along the sidewall or hung along the backs. If installed along the sidewall it must be hung on L-pins or triple hangers and a `Danger - Trailing Cable’ sign positioned at the jumbo box or back to back where the cable is plugged in. Witches hats must be placed on the ground where the cable crosses any other drives. All un-authorised personnel who wish to visit a High Pressure Grouting site must complete a High Pressure Grouting Operations Visitor Induction FRM