Supporting Technical Assessments 381_R_04_Rev 0 OGNZL_WUG_Phase1_Conceptual_Mitigation 14 Groundwater discharge occurs (low flow of 68L/s) primarily from the headwater springs that flow at rates between 1.5 and 10L/s (Figure 4-3). A small warm spring discharges at a rate of 3.5L/s from the EG vein where this intercepts the stream. A radon survey has been completed by GWS to determine the contribution of deep groundwater (high radon) with surface water and interflow (low radon) (Figure 4-2). Figure 4-2: Spring Discharges and Radon Concentrations Indicative Groundwater Flow (after GWS) 4.1.1. SURFACE WATER QUALITY Field parameters and laboratory analytical results of the surface water in the Wharekirauponga catchment have been monitored in parallel to surface water gauging events. Similar hydrochemical characteristics of sodium bicarbonate water type is reported between the surface water samples with the exception of the warm springs showing calcium bicarbonate composition GWS (ref 7).