Supporting Technical Assessments ABN 81 147 114 743 DOCUMENT INFORMATION Organisation OceanaGold NZ Ltd Project Name Wharekirauponga Conceptual Mitigation Phase 1 Report Job No 381 Completion Date 15 June 2022 Rev 0: Issued 17/06/2022 Print Date 17 June 2022 Status Phase 1 Version Rev 0 Distribution PDF emailed to the client Author Peter Gribbin Senior Principal Hydrogeologist Reviewed By Alexis Valenza Principal Hydrogeologist Pathname Documents/Work/381 Oceana Gold - Wharekirauponga UG/Stage 1/4. Output/Letters Memos and Reports/Phase 1/Final Phase 1 Report/381_R_04_Rev0 OGNZ_WUG_Phase1_Conceptual_Mitigation.docx File Name 381_R_04_Rev0 OGNZ_WUG_Phase1_Conceptual_Mitigation.docx Cover Images and logos are © Valenza Engineering Commercial-in-confidence. This document and the information, ideas, concepts, methodologies, technologies and other material it contains remain the intellectual property of Valenza Engineering Pty Ltd (ABN 81 147 114 743). This report has been prepared for OGNZL following the terms and conditions of the appointment. Valenza Engineering cannot accept any responsibility for any use of or reliance on the contents of this report by any third party