Perrochet, P., 2005. Confined flow into a tunnel during progressive drilling: An analytical solution. Ground Water, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 943-946, DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2005.00108.x. Qiang Xia, Han Zhand, Qiang Zhang and Xian-xuan Xiao., 2018. A Dynamic Approach to Simulating Groundwater Discharges into a Tunnel from a Typical Heterogeneous Geologic Media During Continuous Excavation. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018. 22(1):341-350. Korean Society of Civil Engineers. DOI 10.1007/s12205-17-0668-9. B.8 Limitations This assessment has been undertaken using the information available at the time of undertaking this assessment (13th October, 2021). The hydrogeologic conditions along the tunnel alignment are largely unknown and assumptions have been made in this regard in order to undertake this assessment. While some site investigations have characterised the hydrogeologic conditions within Willow Farm, the remainder of the alignment hydrogeological conditions have been assessed on the basis of the geologic models provided by GHD (Aug, 2020) and Golder (Oct, 2021). Any differences in ground conditions from those assumed could result in actual groundwater inflows differing from those predicted in this assessment. The assumptions used in the development of any analytical and numerical model inherently simplify the natural system being simulated. Therefore, in practice, variations from the model predictions may occur. Differences between the estimated flow volumes based on model outcomes and field observations can be expected as a result of the presence of unidentified geological structures which serve to either isolate areas (providing smaller effects than predicted) or to provide more direct pathways between areas (larger effects than predicted). Such variations are not predictable in time and space and cannot be dealt with by modelling. They can, however, generally be covered by a mitigating design methodology and contingency measures or engineering solutions such as those proposed for the exploration tunnel. As site investigation and development continues, substantial additional data will become available and ongoing reviews of predictions presented here can be made.