Figure B3 WUG Dual Tunnel Predicted Groundwater Inflows with Time In summary, the groundwater inflow to the dual tunnels is in the order of 0.02 L/s/m. This value is consistent with the range of published values for tunnelling internationally and is similar to that encountered in the Kaimai Rail tunnel central, less fractured, section driven through andesite rock (Davoren, 1983). B.5 WUG Access Tunnel Model Single Tunnel The modelled inflows for the WUG access tunnel have been derived using the same analytical methodology as the dual tunnels previously described in Section B4. Defect Model Results As described previously, the groundwater inflows from structural defects have been included in the total tunnel inflows. Table B5 shows the inflows associated with the defects identified along the tunnel alignment from the geological model provided by Golder (Oct, 2021 – Appendix A2). Table B5 WUG Access Tunnel Fracture Inflow Assessment Distance Type Scale L K b ho S Day1 Day7 m m m/s m m m3/d m3/d 700 Lineament Medium 7 1.00E-05 56 43 0.1 259.7 37.1 2300 Fault Large 10 1.00E-05 169 145 0.1 2014.1 287.7 Aggregated Model Results The results of the tunnel inflow assessment are shown in Figures B4 and B5 for the ore tunnel that show the total inflows when aggregated over distance and over time respectively.