Supporting Technical Assessments

Rory McNeill Reference No. 20148384_7407-012-LR-RevA_DRAFT OceanaGold Corporation 08 September 2021 4 3.2 Geomorphology The proposed project lies at the southern end of the Coromandel Range. Most of the project area north of the Waihi Fault underlies farmland and heavily bush covered terrain comprising northeast trending ridges rising 300 to 500 m elevation and separated by incised northeast flowing streams. Slopes are typically steep. The project area south of the Waihi Fault underlies gently sloping farmland and the eastern end of the township of Waihi. The portal of the tunnel alignment options will be situated in a topographic high formed from Waipupu Formation andesite at approximately 140 m above sea level (asl). The alignment then follows beneath the terraces alluvium of the Ohinemuri River at approximately 100 to 120 m asl, then under the steep hilly terrain west of the Ohinemuri River valley, ranging between 300 and 500 m above the terraces. 3.3 Information Provided by OceanaGold OceanaGold provided Golder with all the currently available subsurface geological data within the area of the proposed tunnel alignments. This included core logs, core photos, drilling information, imagery of the borehole locations and land parcel boundaries that the proposed tunnel alignment options will encounter. Figure 3: OceanaGold supplied borehole locations. The red lines show the prosed tunnel alignments on the land parcels. Yellow lines are the residential landowners and green lines is land owned by OceanaGold. D R A F T