Oceana Gold New Zeland Limited Hydrogeology Support for WKP Underground Updated Conceptual Model Figure 4-13 Section WKP-03D / WKP-104, showing water levels The following observations inform our conceptualization: Hydraulic conductivities from tests in WKP-104 and WKP-03D are, in general, much lower than the K values from the EG Vein, except for one footwall test. Water level information compiled from deeper VWPs suggests that the T-Stream vein and much of the overlying zone is dry or has very limited water. Decreasing water levels in WKP-03D VWPs in zones of low K suggest drain down of entrained drilling water rather than a saturated zone. One footwall VWP recorded deep groundwater at an elevation around 80 m. The deeper water table detected in one footwall test interval is clearly disconnected from any overlying groundwater system, as evidenced by dry VWPs in the vein itself and in the hanging wall overhead. Data suggest that mining of the T Stream vein would not result in impacts to shallow groundwater and surface water systems (area in between is unsaturated / already dewatered). 4.4. The following is a brief recap of key topics covered in previous sections. The EG vein and surrounding rocks have moderate permeability across a few hundred meters from the hanging wall, through the vein system, and into the footwall. Water levels indicate that this aquifer is hydraulically connected at the scale of our investigations (along a strike length >