Oceana Gold New Zeland Limited Hydrogeology Support for WKP Underground Updated Conceptual Model WKP-03D was designed to intercept the T-Stream vein and allow for installation of VWPs that can be used to monitor changes in groundwater elevations over time. The borehole was advanced at an azimuth of 157o and a dip of 48-degrees, for hydraulic testing and VWP installation purposes. Packer testing could not be completed in this hole. However, two infiltration tests were completed in the lower part of the drillhole: Depth interval of 203 218 m downhole (15m test interval), in the hanging wall. Depth interval of 188 218 m downhole (30 m test interval), through the T-Stream vein system to the bottom of the hole. Both tests returned very low K values of 3.0E-08 m/s and 6.8E-09 m/s. Figure 4-12 presents a schematic cross-section parallel to bore WKP-104 showing key geologic contacts, and the location of the vein system. Figure 4-12 Schematic cross section of WKP-03D Figure 4-13 is a section through the Leapfrog geology model, cut parallel to WKP-03D, showing the position of the calculated water levels for VWPs. It includes a projection of WKP104, with smaller white circles corresponding to calculated water levels in that bore. VWP hydrographs for WKP-03D are contained in Appendix B. As shown in this figure, water levels for the two deeper VWPS are at or approaching the VWP elevation, indicating dry conditions. The deepest VWP, located in the T-Stream vein, has negative pressures, confirming observations in WKP-104 of dry conditions in the hanging wall and vein system. The shallowest VWP records a water table elevation around 233 MASL, about 10 m above the VWP elevation (Appendix B).