Supporting Technical Assessments

Oceana Gold New Zeland Limited Hydrogeology Support for WKP Underground Updated Conceptual Model From the graphs above is clear that there are significant differences between K values obtained using different techniques. Overall, the results show a similar range of distributions, with Golder values on average slightly lower than FloSolutions values. Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 summarizes the Geometric Mean, minimum, and maximum values obtained by Golder and FloSolutions. In general, results are similar when comparing the geometric means. Table 3-2 Summary of the results encountered in Golder analysis (37 results) Test Type Golder Results (m/s) Table 3-3 Summary of the results encountered in FloSolutions analysis (36 results) Test Type FloSolutions Results (m/s) As can be seen, data processed by FloSolutions and Golder, despite different approaches, have shown similar values, with some specific outliners usually associated with analyses of the constant pressure tests. For example, in constant pressure tests from WKP-102, Golder estimates are one-half to one order of magnitude higher than our results. Minimum value reported by Golder was < 1E- (non-numerical string). For the current data analysis, - (integer) but important to emphasize that the value found by Golder should be lower than the reported one, since it reports just a lower boundary (based on processing limitations) instead the real value itself. 3.2. OGNZL has automated water levels for 13 points that were available for analyses: Three (3) locations with installed Vibrating Wire Piezometers (VWPs), with 3 sensors at each location installed at different depths (9 VWPs in total). Two (2) locations with standpipe piezometers, installed as shallow and deep piezometer pairs (4 additional points).