Supporting Technical Assessments

Oceana Gold New Zeland Limited Hydrogeology Support for WKP Underground Updated Conceptual Model data on aquifer hydraulic properties and, in particular, on the hydraulic properties of the T-stream and EG Vein systems. The approved FloSolutions scope of work was designed to provide an updated conceptual hydrogeologic model that can be used for further assessment of these concepts and relationships and to support mitigation design and project approvals. 1.3. The objective of the current phase of work the conceptual model update is to compile and evaluate available site data and information, including results of the 2021 field testing program, into a more robust conceptual model which describes the hydrogeology of the EG and T-stream veins, and potential groundwater behavior during mining. The revised conceptual model will be used as a basis for future numerical groundwater modelling and mitigation system design. 2. This section describes procedures used to analyze and evaluate available data. Results are presented in section 3. 2.1. Packer tests (also known as Lugeon tests) are a widely used field method for measuring in-situ hydraulic conductivity of consolidated sediments and fractured rock at discrete depth intervals in drill holes (Beale and Read, 2013). Data from a total of 38 individual packer tests from 7 boreholes were provided for review and analyses, distributed as follows: WKP-101: 7 Tests WKP-102: 6 Tests WKP-103: 6 Tests WKP-104: 4 Tests WKP-105: 5 Tests WKP-P04D: 3 Tests WKP-P05D: 7 Tests Borehole locations with hydraulic testing data are shown in Figure 2-1. Also shown are piezometer standpipe pairs WKP-01 (shallow and deep) and WKP-02 (shallow and deep). Location WKP-05D, located south of the ma installed to obtain information on geology and hydraulic properties near the proposed ventilation shaft alignment.