Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 106 – Permeability of the rhyolite tuff: The scenario testing analysed an order of magnitude higher and lower than the base model K for this rock unit. The results (Figure I.15) showed a change in groundwater flow paths was the key change resulting from the sensitivity tests, which influenced the results as follows:  Scenario 3: – A moderate change in tailings volume from TSF3 under Scenario 3, with the lower K value (Sens.5) allowing some tailings porewater (31% of total discharge) to bypass the drains and enter the receiving environment. There was no change reported for the increased K value (Sens.4). – The response of infiltration (which is applied as rainfall recharge) through the embankment was slightly influenced by the underlying rhyolite unit, with a minor increase in embankment discharge under higher K (Sens.4) of 12 m3/day more than the base model; whereas a lower K (Sens.5) decreased by 4 m3/day against the base model.  Scenario 5: – The increase and decrease to K both allow for drainage capture of tailings, but a similar order of discharge occurs to the receiving environment. – The same volume of embankment infiltration occurs (as per AECOM 2020), but with the sensitivity test results reporting all captured by drain.  Neither analysis results in flow lines to the Ruahorehore Stream from beneath the TSF. Figure I.15 Sensitivity testing outputs for changes to rhyolite tuff K (Sens.4 and Sens.5)