Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 101 Table I.16 Summary of modelling outputs for tailings discharge for full facility width Analysis Discharge through HDPE liner (m3/day) Discharge through the Zone A soil liner to ground* (m3/day) To drains To receiving environment Scenario 3 10 5 Flow lines indicate all discharge to drains Scenario 4 21 116 71 m3/day 70% 45 m3/day 30% Scenario 5 16 62 0 m3/day 0% 62 m3/day 100% Comparison Scenario 3 – no HDPE liner n/a 700 161 m3/day 23% 539 m3/day 77% Table I.17 Summary of modelling outputs for embankment rock infiltration for full facility width Analysis Emb. length (m) Height (m RL) Total infiltration through embankment (m3/day) To drains To receiving environment Scenario 3 140 1,135 230 Flow lines indicate all discharge to drains Scenario 4 260 1,155 267 Flow lines indicate all discharge to drains Scenario 5 1,155 267 237 m3/day 89% 30 m3/day 11% Table I.18 Summary of combined tailings and embankment discharge to the receiving environment from TSF3 (m3/day) Analysis Tailings Embankment Total discharge to receiving environment Scenario 3 0 0 Flow lines indicate all discharge to drains Scenario 4 45 0 45 Scenario 5 62 30 92 Table I.19 Summary of modelling outputs for drain capture (m3/day) for full facility width Analysis Subsoil drains Upstream cut off Initial toe drain Final downstream toe Leachate sump collection Sum drain capture Scenario 3 164 4 31 92 n/a 291 Scenario 4 119 4 34 1 7 355 Scenario 5 n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a 260 Components of drain capture* Mix (tailings, embankment, groundwater) Tailings Embankment Mix (tailings, embankment, groundwater) Tailings and embankment *as determined by SEEP/W flow lines Table I.20 Summary of modelling outputs for drain capture for full facility width Analysis Discharges to drains (m3/day) Sum drain capture (m3/day) (Table I.19) Groundwater component* (m3/day) Drain water composition Tailings Emb. Total Tailings Emb. GW Scenario 3 10 230 240 291 51 3% 79% 18% Scenario 4 21 267 288 355 67 6% 75% 19% Scenario 5 0 237 237 260 23 0% 91% 9% *The difference between drain capture and total discharges to drains