Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 99 Table I.14 Summary of modelling outputs for predicted inflows to excavation Scenario Expected inflow ranges in m3/day* Upper bound Cumulative inflows Cross-section 1 (to 15 m depth) Theis (to 20 m depth) (T = 2 and 20) Cross-section 2 (to 15 m depth) Expected minimum Expected maximum Upper bound Scenario 2A (0-30 d) 16 - 23 402 - 511 480 690 15,290 Scenario 2B (30-75 d) 100 - 120 33 - 334 1,465 - 2,445 1,485 15,030 110,250 Scenario 2C (75-120 d) 0 - 9 4 - 96 0 405 4,500 SUM: 1,965 16,125 130,040 Portion of aquifer management level: 0.1% 0.9% 7% *Ranges given for Day vs. end of scenario Table I.15 Summary of modelling outputs for ZOI for dewatering at 75 days Analysis Result ZOI (from deepest point of excavation) Cross-section 1 (to 15 m depth) North direction 430 m South direction 390 m Cross-section 2 (to 20 m depth) West direction Not considered. As the model is parallel to groundwater flow direction, the model is expected to over-estimate drawdown. Only the drawdown within 200 m of the excavation is considered. See Figure I.12. East direction Theis (to 20 m depth) (T = 2 and 20) Radial for T = 20 m2/day 610 m Adopted ZOI 610 m Figure I.12 Drawdown curves for the TSF3 undercut dewatering