Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 56 G.2 Assessment results G.2.1 GOP and TSF assessment results Current conditions The predicted groundwater discharges to each of the surface water bodies within the calibrated current conditions cross sectional groundwater models are presented in Table G.10. Table G.10 Predicted groundwater discharge to surface water bodies during current conditions (SEEP/W) Surface water body Estimated groundwater discharge to surface water body (m3/day) Gladstone Wetland / Ohinemuri tributary (TB4) 1.1 Ohinemuri tributary (TB5) 0 Ohinemuri River east of Gladstone (OH3) 49 Ohinemuri River west of Gladstone (OH6) 215 GOP excavation The groundwater discharges that are predicted to each of the surface water bodies during GOP excavation are presented in Table G.11. The results have been estimated using two different methods, groundwater modelling (G.1.1.1) and groundwater catchment (G.1.1.2) assessments. Table G.11 Predicted groundwater discharge to surface water bodies during GOP excavation Surface water body Estimated groundwater discharge to surface water body (m3/day) (SEEP/W) Percentage change in groundwater discharge from current conditions (SEEP/W) Percentage change in groundwater catchment Gladstone Wetland / Ohinemuri tributary (TB4) 0.7 -33% -22% Ohinemuri tributary (TB5) 0 0% 0% Ohinemuri River east of Gladstone (OH3) 49 <-1% -12% Ohinemuri River west of Gladstone (OH6) 157 -27% -19% The predicted groundwater discharge into the pit from the shallow groundwater system during GOP excavation is presented in Table G.12. The predicted groundwater drawdown from current conditions and groundwater zone of influence during GOP excavation are presented in Table G.13. Predicted shallow groundwater drawdown during GOP excavation, and the predicted shallow groundwater table during all assessment scenarios, are presented in Figure G.8 and Figure G.9.