Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 44 assumed for the long-term TSF scenario, recharge to each groundwater catchment will no longer be solely from rainfall recharge. Therefore, this scenario has been excluded from the catchment calculations assessment. The adopted catchment areas for the assessed scenarios are presented in Table G.3. Table G.3 Gladstone groundwater catchment areas Groundwater catchment area Groundwater catchment area (m2)1 Current conditions GOP Excavation Operational TSF TSF Closure Gladstone Wetland / Ohinemuri tributary (TB4) 33,654 26,129 26,129 62,084 Ohinemuri tributary (TB5) 0 0 0 0 Ohinemuri River east of Gladstone (OH3)2 141,814 125,274 125,274 155,916 Ohinemuri River west of Gladstone (OH6)2 70,673 57,035 57,035 65,683 1. Catchment areas delineated by the interpreted groundwater recharge areas 2. Constrained to the area between the Gladstone Open Pit and Ohinemuri River G.1.1.3 Groundwater model set-up Each SEEP/W section was initially constructed to represent current groundwater conditions, with calibration achieved using site data, including geology within the OGNZL Leapfrog model (2021) and bore logs, as well as permeability and water level data from monitoring bores and recorded river and wetland water levels and flow. The model structure, materials and boundary conditions were then modified to represent the GOP and TSF scenarios. Annotated SEEP/W sections are presented in Figure G.3 and Figure G.4. Model set up information is provided in Table G.4 and Table G.5. Bore logs, groundwater levels and permeability test results from monitoring bores are presented in Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D, respectively.