Supporting Technical Assessments

This analysis of WRS site PSD data was completed using the following spreadsheet tool: HydrogeoSieveXL V2.2, developed by J.F. Devlin, University of Kansas, Developed April 29, 2014, most recent update September, 2016 This program is electronic supplementary material for the article: Devlin, J.F. 2015. HydrogeoSieveXL: an Excel-based tool to estimate hydraulic conductivity from grain-size analysis. Hydrogeology Journal. Sample depth PSD geomean PSD Lab report WFBH009 Bore 3.0m 3.2E-09 Sandy Clayey SILT WFTP024 Test pit 3.1m 8.1E-10 Silty CLAY WFTP027 Test pit 1.1m 2.6E-07 Sandy SILT WFTP028 Test pit 3.4m 1.1E-09 Clayey SILT WFTP030 Test pit 0.5m 1.9E-06 Silty SAND WFTP031 Test pit 1.4m 5.5E-10 Silty CLAY WFTP032 Test pit 1.1m 1.2E-08 Sandy SILT Min of ALL 1.6E-12 Max of ALL 8.4E-06 Geomean of ALL 1E-08 The above values were determined from the geomean of the results from the following analytical solutions within the tool: Hazen Hazen, A. 1892. Some physical properties of sands and gravels, with special reference to their use in filtration. Massachusetts State Board of Health, vol. 24th annual report, pp. 539-556. Slichter Slichter, C.S., 1898, Theoretical investigations of the motion of ground waters: United States Geological Survey, 19 th Annual Report, p 295-384. Beyer Beyer, W. 1964. "Zur Bestimmung der Wasserdurchlässigkeit von Kiesen und Sanden aus der Kornverteilungskurve." Wasserwirtschaft-Wassertechnik 14(6): 165-168. Sauerbrei Reference not provided in tool Kozeny-Carmen Kozeny, J. (1953). Das Wasser im Boden. Grundwasserbewegung (The water in the ground.Groundwater flow). Hydraulik, Springer, p 380-445. Zunker Zunker, F. (1930). Das Verhalten des Wassers zum Boden (The behavior of groundwater). Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung, Düngung und Bodenkunde. A25(1): 7. Zamarin Zamarin, J.A. 1928. Calculation of ground-water flow (in Russian). Trudey I.V.H. Taskeni. USBR Reference not provided in tool Barr Barr, D.W. 2001. Coefficient of permeability determined by measurable parameters. Ground Water, v. 39, no. 3, 356-361. Alyamani and Sen Alyamani, M.S., Sen Z. 1993. Determination of hydraulic conductivity from complete grain-size distribution curves. Ground Water, v. 31, no. 4, 551-555. All available PSDs