Supporting Technical Assessments

Figure 4: Cross Section A-A1 through proposed TSF-3 area. Drill data west of PS-4 indicates easterly dip of ~ 15o. There is no reliable drilling data east of PS-4 and thickening particularly of the mnr (Ruahorohore) Rhyolite unit to the east is inferred from the lateral extent of the Ruahorhore dome . Width of Rhyolite unit underlying TSF-3 is likely to significantly exceed the drilled width of 150m in PS-4. Note the Golden Valley Fault (GVF) is inferred to transect the western part of TSF-3. The GVF may be prospective at depth and a drill hole is proposed to test this structure within the upper Andesite unit. A A1 OGNZL, 2017. Summary Report on Sterilization Drill- Hole GT020 (Proposed TSF3 Area). File name “TSRF3_Maps and Section_14Aug2017 for EngGeol.PDF”. Provided by OGNZL to GHD via email on 25/11/2017.