Supporting Technical Assessments

Figure 3: Geological map of waste rock and tailings storage area (proposed WRS-N and TSF-3 outlined in red). Permit boundary in solid black. Geological Section lines are annotated A-A1; B-B1. Note inferred extension of Golden Valley fault through tails facility (pink, dashed). Proposed TSF-3 test hole is indicated by a solid red dot and tail. WRS-N TSF3 Golden Valley Fault Golden Valley Fault – inferred extension under cover A A1 MP41808 Boundary BH_Dac (iu) Ignim (ho) Cover (alluvium) B B1 Rhy (mnr) And (aw) OGNZL, 2017. Summary Report on Sterilization Drill- Hole GT020 (Proposed TSF3 Area). File name “TSRF3_Maps and Section_14Aug2017 for EngGeol.PDF”. Provided by OGNZL to GHD via email on 25/11/2017.