Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North iv Figure E.5 Piper Plot – NRS surface water quality (September 2019) 23 Figure E.6 Piper plot – TSF3 water quality (April 2018) 23 Figure E.7 Piper plot – TSF3 water quality (May 2018) 23 Figure E.8 Piper plot – TSF3 water quality (shed spring vs. RU10) 23 Figure F.1 Plan showing Gladstone baseflow data (TB4 June 2017, Ohinemuri June 2019 & January 2020) 33 Figure F.2 Plan showing NRS tributary TB1 baseflow data 33 Figure G.1 Gladstone cross-section locations (N-S and W-E) 41 Figure G.2 Adopted perimeter sections for scaling flux across the pit boundary 43 Figure G.3 Annotated Gladstone Pit north-south SEEP/W model 45 Figure G.4 Annotated Gladstone Pit east-west SEEP/W model 46 Figure G.5 Gladstone vein dewatering model cross-section location 52 Figure G.6 Gladstone vein dewatering – SEEP/W model cross section perpendicular to vein (NE - SW in Figure G.5) 53 Figure G.7 Surface water catchments that intersect with the proposed Gladstone Pit 55 Figure G.8 Predicted shallow groundwater drawdown from current conditions during GOP excavation scenario (SEEP/W) 58 Figure G.9 Current and predicted groundwater water table during current conditions, GOP excavation and TSF scenarios (SEEP/W) 59 Figure G.10 Current and predicted groundwater table during current conditions and Gladstone vein dewatering (SEEP/W) 63 Figure G.11 Predicted unsaturated zone (pore water pressure less than zero kPa) within deep andesite in Gladstone vein dewatering scenario (SEEP/W) 63 Figure H.1 NRS northern uphill diversion drain chainages (EGL, 2021a) 69 Figure H.2 Annotated plan view of east-west NRS model section (modified from OGNZL Project description, 2021) 71 Figure H.3 Annotated NRS east-west SEEP/W model cross section 72 Figure H.4 Rock stack hydraulic conductivity function sensitivity analysis – Silty sand SEEP/W database (blue) with AEV increased (red) and reduced (green). 78 Figure H.5 Shallow Aquifer hydraulic conductivity function sensitivity analysis – clayey silt (red), sand (blue) and silty sand (green). 79 Figure H.6 Zone A liner hydraulic conductivity function sensitivity analysis – clayey silt (red), sandy clayey silt (blue) and silty clay (fine tailings) (green). 80 Figure H.7 NRS sensitivity analysis results 81 Figure I.1 TSF3 Cross-section 1 alignment showing relevant monitoring locations for calibration 84 Figure I.2 TSF3 Cross-section 1 SEEP/W model set-up with close up of undercut and key monitoring locations 85 Figure I.3 Goodness of fit – Cross-section 1 (SEEP/W) base model 88 Figure I.4 TSF3 Cross-section 1 SEEP/W model set-up with close up of drains beneath the embankment 89 Figure I.5 TSF3 Cross-section 1 SEEP/W model set-up with close up of undercut and key monitoring locations 90 Figure I.6 Tailings consolidation modelling results showing KV (EGL, 2019b) for various potential tailings height 92 Figure I.7 SEEP/W Cross-section 2 location compared with the primary section (Crosssection 1) 93 Figure I.8 TSF3 cross-section 2 SEEP/W model set-up 94 Figure I.9 TSF3 cross-section 2 SEEP/W model set-up 94 Figure I.10 TSF3 Theis model outputs 97 Figure I.11 Comparison of input parameters for Theis solution 98