Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North iii Table I.10 Summary of steady transient model scenarios for Cross-section 2 (construction dewatering) 95 Table I.11 Cross-Section 2 model set-up 95 Table I.12 Adopted material parameters for Cross-Section 2 (where additional to Table I.2) 95 Table I.13 Theis (1935) solution inputs and outputs 96 Table I.14 Summary of modelling outputs for predicted inflows to excavation 99 Table I.15 Summary of modelling outputs for ZOI for dewatering at 75 days 99 Table I.16 Summary of modelling outputs for tailings discharge for full facility width 101 Table I.17 Summary of modelling outputs for embankment rock infiltration for full facility width 101 Table I.18 Summary of combined tailings and embankment discharge to the receiving environment from TSF3 (m3/day) 101 Table I.19 Summary of modelling outputs for drain capture (m3/day) for full facility width 101 Table I.20 Summary of modelling outputs for drain capture for full facility width 101 Table I.21 Summary of modelling outputs for proportion of groundwater flow 102 Table I.22 Summary of groundwater flow volumes for water quality assessment 102 Table I.23 Water quality assessment scenarios and input sources 103 Table I.23 TSF3 sensitivity testing scenarios 103 Table I.24 Sens.1 results – liner leakage 104 Table J.1 WRS base model calibration and scenario summary (steady state) 108 Table J.2 WRS model set-up 109 Table J.3 WRS model adopted hydrogeological material parameters 109 Table J.4 Total infiltration volume through the rock stack 109 Table J.5 Predicted stream concentrations (g/m3) 110 Table J.6 WRS sensitivity testing scenarios (K values in m/s) 111 Figure index Figure A.1 Three wells showing older OGNZL well pair (shallow DH05 and deeper well DH05A) and GHD intermediate well (WRS06) 10 Figure A.2 Surface water level monitoring site installed in Ohinemuri River 11 Figure C.1 Groundwater contours – Gladstone Shallow Groundwater System 17 Figure C.2 Groundwater contours – Gladstone Intermediate Groundwater System 17 Figure C.3 Groundwater contours – NRS Shallow Groundwater System 17 Figure C.4 Groundwater contours – NRS Deeper Groundwater System 17 Figure C.5 Groundwater contours – TSF3 Shallow Groundwater System 17 Figure C.6 Groundwater contours – TSF3 Deeper Groundwater System 17 Figure D.1 Plan showing distribution of Gladstone permeability results 21 Figure D.2 Plan showing distribution of NRS permeability results 21 Figure D.3 Plan showing distribution of TSF3 permeability results (GHD data) 21 Figure D.4 Plan showing distribution of TSF3 permeability results (EGL data) 21 Figure E.1 Piper Plot – Gladstone Groundwater Quality (P79-d June 2018. GLD04 well series October 2020. All other bores September 2018). (Excludes GLD01b which is recorded as dry). 23 Figure E.2 Piper Plot – Gladstone surface water quality (TB5 September 2019. All other samples September 2017) 23 Figure E.3 Piper Plot – NRS groundwater quality (November 2019) 23 Figure E.4 Piper Plot – NRS surface water quality (June 2019) 23