Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 126  Groundwater levels: Groundwater levels should also be monitored at selected monitoring wells. In addition to this, site inspections of low-lying areas. The monitoring plan should include mitigation/management measures where saturated ground conditions downgradient of the TSF are exacerbated, e.g. shallow drainage channels can be installed to manage groundwater levels, as is common in local farms.  Surface water quality: Surface water quality sampling regularly occurs at RU03, RU1, RU1b and RU10. It is recommended that the sampling locations, parameter suite and frequency of these be reviewed for TSF3. The results of this sampling can be used to evaluate the water quality received by the downstream surface water users.  Surface water flow: Daily monitoring of the Ruahorehore Stream is undertaken at Ruddock’s gauge and at Shed Spring. It is expected that this will continue to occur and be reviewed throughout the life of TSF3. The existing monitoring regime should be reviewed to consider if an additional flow gauging location further upstream is required, such as near the diverted stream section.  Spring monitoring: As no effects are predicted to Shed Spring from the works, and monitoring is already proposed in relation of TSF1A, further monitoring is not proposed at this location.