Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 106 – The Southern Ruahorehore Tributary, Shed Spring and Waione Stream are interpreted to be located within separate groundwater catchments and outside the predicted envelope of effects of the TSF3 activity. These are not assessed further in this report Figure 5.10 TSF3 original topography showing western rhyolite ridge 5.3.6 Water resource users A total of 49 water users registered by WRC within 3 km of the centre of the TSF3 are presented on Figure 5.11 (WRC, 2021c). A full list of these water users is provided in Appendix K. A summary is provided below and in Table 5.4 and Table 5.5: – From the 49 registered users, one is within 1 km of TSF3 (Bore ID 72_8695). This bore is associated with groundwater take AUTH131303 and is located 450 m cross-gradient from the edge of the proposed TSF3 facility, and 750 m from the deepest point of the excavation to be dewatered. – The nearest down-gradient bore user (ID 72_8693) is just over 1 km away. – Two surface water takes are registered, between 1 and 2 km from TSF3. Water permit AUTH125719 authorises water take from a tributary of the Ruahorehore located to the south and is topographically separated by a rhyolite ridge that bounds the proposed TSF3 site. Water permit AUTH120591 authorises water take from the Ruahorehore Stream 1.7 km downstream of TSF3 for horticultural and frost protection purposes. – An additional unregistered water user has been identified and included in the assessment; a farm pond located approximately 830 m east of the deepest excavation point ( – Table 5.5 and Figure 5.11). The farm pond appears to be bunded.