Supporting Technical Assessments

iii Tables Table 1 Aquifer Hydraulic Properties........................................................................ 11 Table 2 Waihi Basin Groundwater Availability.......................................................... 12 Table 3 Willows Farm Hydraulic Conductivity values ............................................... 18 Table 4 Waihi Basin Groundwater Availability.......................................................... 23 Table 5 Stream Depletion Model Results................................................................. 24 Table 6 Hydraulic Conductivity Values...................................................................... 30 Table 7 Otahu Catchment Groundwater Availability................................................ 30 Figures Figure 1 WNP Proposed Tunnel Sections..................................................................... 2 Figure 2 Regional Geologic Setting............................................................................... 4 Figure 3 Regional Surface Water Catchment Extents (from NIWA) ............................ 6 Figure 4 WUG Access Tunnel Alignment ...................................................................... 7 Figure 5 WUG Access Tunnel Profile ............................................................................ 8 Figure 6 Water Table Map in the Location of the Tunnel ............................................ 9 Figure 7 Andesite Piezometric Surface Map .............................................................. 10 Figure 8 WUG Access Tunnel Conceptual Hydrogeological Model............................ 11 Figure 9 Groundwater Users near the WUG access Tunnel....................................... 13 Figure 10 Willows Farm Site Topography................................................................. 15 Figure 11 Mataura Stream Catchment Area and Willows Farm .............................. 16 Figure 12 Willows Farm Exposure Showing Regolith Overlying Andesite Rock ....... 17 Figure 13 Soil Distribution Over the Willows Farm Site ........................................... 17 Figure 14 Monitoring Well Locations and Interpreted Water Table Surface........... 19 Figure 15 Access Tunnel Hydrogeologic Profile........................................................ 20 Figure 16 Willows Farm Hydrogeologic Section 1 .................................................... 20 Figure 17 Willows Farm Hydrogeologic Section 2 .................................................... 20 Figure 18 Conceptual Hydrogeologic Model Section at Willows Farm.................... 22 Figure 19 Catchment Scale Conceptual Hydrogeologic Model at Willows Farm..... 22 Figure 20 Distance Drawdown for Weathered Tuff ................................................. 25 Figure 21 Otahu Surface Water Catchment Extents and Dual Tunnel Alignment ... 28 Figure 22 Topography and Geology along the Dual Tunnel Alignment ................... 29 Figure 23 Conceptual Hydrogeologic Model Section Willows Farm to WUG .......... 31 Appendices Appendix A Ground Models Appendix B Appendix C Tunnel Inflow Assessment Willow Farm Hydrogeologic Field Data Appendix D Groundwater Modelling